Even when you have a great hosting company like ours, email spam can often be a problem. Spammers scan the internet for email addresses on websites, social media and other places. Once they get your email, stopping the spam can be difficult, as many use hundreds or thousands of domain names.
Fortunately, cPanel comes with it’s own spam filter built in. It is just that many don’t know about it, or don’t set it up. For a few minutes work, you can soon have your email account running smoothly again.
Before we get into the guide, a few points to remember. First, make sure that you add any important emails/domains to the whitelist to make sure that you continue getting emails. Second, don’t turn on the auto-delete feature from the start. It is best to set up a level, then see if your spam is getting labeled in the ’email description’ as spam. If it is, and your normal emails are not being labeled, then you could start the auto-delete. The personal user level is quite aggressive (5), so it is often best to start with a higher less aggressive level for businesses (7-10). Here are the steps:
How to Stop Spam Getting to Your cPanel Email
That should be it, and soon your morning email headaches should be behind you!
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