There are all too many web hosts in Thailand offering competitive pricing for their services. If this is your first time choosing a web host, you may be wondering which features are the most important ones you should be looking out for.
Storage Capacity
The amount of storage space you get for a single hosting account is definitely going to be limited – after all, a server cannot have unlimited storage. Just like cloud storage, different web hosting Thailand plans come with varying amounts of storage space. If you have an idea of how much space you will be needing to host your website, you can then weigh your options accordingly. Be sure to account for any additional space you might be using in the future, especially if you are keeping images, videos and other large files on your server. It can be easy to hit your storage limit, and you would not want to run into the event where you have no more space to upload additional files.
Most websites will require databases at some point if you are running a content management system, storing generated data, or even just fetching data to display on a web page. If you plan to use database services for your website, it is important to find a hosting plan that includes enough databases for your needs. Web hosting plans can be restrictive when it comes to the number of databases a user is allowed to have, especially on shared resources, where it is common to find hosting plans offering only a couple of database instances, or even no database support at all. You will also want to check if the database engine matches the one you are after, as not every web host will support all database engines.
Email Accounts
While not a must-have for some, having your own personalized email addresses boosts your level of professionalism. Instead of going for a conventional email domain from a popular provider, what if your email address had your website’s domain on it?
There are a number of considerations in the category of email accounts. Most web hosts place a limit on the number of email addresses and inboxes you can have on a shared hosting plan. There may also be a limit to the capacity of your inbox or the email clients you can use. Additionally, some hosting plans do not include other email services, such as automated responders or a catch-all email system. These may be crucial in maintaining good communication with your clients.
Programming Language and Framework Support
Does your website run on any special frameworks or require the support of additional programming languages? If so, you will definitely want to look out for web hosts that offer support for these, sometimes at extra cost. It may be worth contacting the web host’s support team to see if their hosting plans can accommodate your requirements.
Performance: Uptime, Reliability, Loading Speed
Last but not least, the uptime and reliability of a website is key to ensuring that your visitors keep coming. Most web hosts boast at least 95% uptime, but the numbers deviate from there. When choosing a web host, always be sure to look at their track record of uptime and reliability. Do their websites often go down or fail to load? Have they been able to restore their servers in the event of unforeseen circumstances? Even a few minutes of downtime could cost you dearly, especially if you had prospective customers about to make a purchase just as the website goes down.
Loading speed is another important aspect of a good web host. Most Internet users are familiar with the pain of waiting for a slow website to load. The fast-paced world today has raised our expectations of loading speeds, where a page should be fully loaded in a matter of seconds or it risks losing people’s attention. A number of factors play a part in improving a website’s loading speed, one of which is the speed of the host server – so be sure to get a fast one when considering your web hosting options.
A huge incentive to go for the highest performing hosts is that poor performance pulls down your page ranking on search engines. Search engine ranking is highly competitive, where companies will do everything they can to secure the top spots on the first page of searches. As such, increasing website performance is one of the basic necessities if you are aiming to compete for the top search engine rankings.